The reason Wei was assigned the infiltration mission was because the previous officer, Charles Ho, had been uncovered and tortured to death. But Vivienne doesn't seem to know for sure if she has any gangster connections or not. It doesn't seem likely considering that someone like Two-Chin couldn't possibly keep his work a secret, and it should also be noted that there are other apartments in the same compound Two-Chin lives in (in fact his mansion is further separated within the compound by another gate) so Sandra may simply live in one of those buildings unaffiliated with him. Later during the second date with Sandra it's implied that she's the daughter of Two-Chin, so Vivienne might be surprised that Sonny would say something like that to the daughter of one of the top Red Poles in the Sun On Yee. At first it might sound like Vivienne is simply wondering how Sonny would be so rude to the daughter of a rich business man but when you think about it Vivienne was actually worried that Sonny might use his Triad connections to get revenge on Sandra - probably involving rape and his pornography industry. Vivienne nervously asks if Sonny had any idea who she was, which Sandra casually brushes off. When you first drive Sandra and Vivienne around Sandra recounts how she once met Sonny as a teenager and insultingly rejected Sonny's offer to make her a star in exchange for watching her have sex with an old man. While Wei also breaks some of these oaths, he abides by many more of them (notably, he respects the women, family, and relationships of the other Sun On Yee members and doesn't wreck homes), neatly reflecting his moral conflict as The Mole but also showing that he ultimately has a noble character. which neatly explains Lee's outburst of "Fuck tradition!" in one cutscene, as he does not care about the oaths or the rules that they would normally bind him to. A little knowledge of the 36 Oaths of the Triads reveals that Dogeyes, Big Smile Lee, Sonny Wo, and others were breaking them left and right, and not abiding by any of them. In case you're surprised to see a non-Hong Konger in a high-ranking position within Hong Kong law enforcement like Pendrew, he's granted the right to live in HK after the handover. Considering the fate of Johnny Ratface, Dogeyes, Big Smile Lee, and others who have crossed Wei, she's very wise to not try to go after him. This is why Jiang survived to take control of Sun On Yee: She knows when to let sleeping dogs lie. Rather than enact the typical Triad response to undercover cops they find, she decides to leave Wei alone.
At the end of the game Broken-Nose Jiang and Pockmark see Wei meet with Inspector Teng.The key words there are "as long as they live," which in this case turns out to be "not even long enough to have exchanged vows," as the wedding is assaulted almost immediately after it commences.
Peggy wants you to steal a black orchid for her wedding because having one would guarantee that a couple will stay together for as long as they live.Given how Big Smile Lee expresses much disdain for tradition and attempts to take over the Dragonhead position for the Sun On Yee through extreme violence and murder, his death through the ice crusher is rather suitable for his transgressions.
#Sleeping dogs statue locations code
One of the key points made in the triad trope page is that screwing over or greatly dishonoring the traditions and code of the Triad brotherhood is punishable by death from hundreds of cuts.